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The desire to fulfill a dream...

Citizens of the Northern Triangle want an opportunity to fulfill their dreams, we call it ''The Dream Continuum''.

    How we work

    • Authentic relationships in the field.

    How we recruit

    • Recruitment events on site.

    How we connect dreams

    • We contextualize the message for a better understanding of the candidates.

    Alexis got hired by The Davey Tree in Richmond ,VA. He has returned to the US for his second job opportunity under the H-2 Visa program. His job experience has included apartment maintenance, landscaping, gardening, using special machines for pruning, cutting trees, and planting grass beds. Due to this opportunities, Alexis has been repaired the roof of his house in El Salvador, has purchased animals to raise and sell, he also purchased a field to plant corn and start a small business with his family; His dream is to become a mechanic by continuing his studies purchasing tools, and opening his workshop.

    Alexis Ramos

    The Davey Tree

    Our work is at the community level

    Our team works in the field, holding local community events to share the message with faith and community based orgs (our allies) on the ground.

    We contextualize opportunities for our community based partners and applicants, improving transparency and trust in the community and with applicants.

    • Authentic relationships with CBO's.
    • Recruitment events on site.
    • We contextualize the message for a better understanding of the candidates.

    Don Miguel was hired by Servicios Continuo for six months in Detroit, Michigan; he received his second opportunity to return to work as a gardener. He is using his earnings to buy land in El Salvador, remodel his apartment, make improvements to his mother's house, and pay for his daughter's college tuition. In addition hi has began purchasing the neededof tools to start his own business in El Salvador.

    Miguel Rivas

    Gardener / Entrepeneur

    A web platform designed to match the best worker with the best opportunity

    Our team developed a web platform and data base; our filtering and selection process provides the quality candidates companies are seeking our team leverages our platform to provide an eficiente, effective and timely recruitment process.

    • Versatile and intuitive.
    • Easy to navigate and understand.
    • A dedicated space for the recruiter.

    I had the opportunity to go to Pensilvannya and work at atextile factory. This opportunity was vital for my family. It's been one of the best experiences I have ever had as a Mom, Wife, and Woman. I have improved my family's economic situation, purchased our home, paid for my son's school, and finished my degree in El Salvador.

    Cecilia de Hernández

    American Textile

    The Process

    From hosting massive recruitment events to working on the logistics of the workers' travel. We cover the entire process from A to Z. Making sure our client's goals are met.

    On site recruitment

    We mobilize our networks and staff, resulting in interested applicants in the community.

    Candidate Vetting

    Our recruitment team engages a vetting process to match opportunities + qualified candidates.

    DS - 160

    We guide selected candidates through each step of the application process.

    US Consulate

    Our team submits required paperwork to the US consulate for visa processing.

    Travel Logistics

    Once are visas approved, we coordinate travel logistics + provide travel orientation for each worker. Ensuring workers arrive safely to their destinations.

    Accompaniment and Training

    While the candidate is abroad, we provide a support system and training when is required. Minimizing the risk of abscondment

    Let us find the right workers for your company